Welcome to LA Amazing! We are a student-run organization dedicated to making our city, Los Angeles, an even more amazing place to live, work, and play. Join us in community projects like park cleanups and advocacy events to help create positive change for our LA communities. Together, we can make an incredible impact!
Sustainable ways to live
Angelenos WASTE an average of 110 hours in traffic per year! That's why we support LA's ongoing initiative to improve transportation in LA with more travel options, frequent transit, cycling infrastructure, and other initiatives. Numerous projects are already underway in preparation for the 2028 LA Olympics. We also advocate for walkable neighborhoods, affordable housing, and essential city services to be provided to everyone without sabotaging our Earth's environment.



A Better place to be in
Improving public areas in LA is crucial to provide Angelenos with better places to relax and socialize. This can be achieved by enhancing parks, creating walkable neighborhoods, organizing open streets, and building diverse plazas. Our team recently renovated Confluence Plaza, located east of the LA River in Cypress Park. Investing in more projects like this will help establish safe and enjoyable public spaces for everyone.​


A picture of our organization (with East Meets West Parent Education Club) cleaning up and improving Confluence Plaza.
Our goal is to UNITE people living in different parts of the county. We support and desire more great events like Ciclavia, community farmer markets, and city festivals. However, to achieve this, it requires genuine investment in improved transportation and clean and safe community spaces. We also want the world to recognize our city's distinct culture!