Our vision for Los Angeles is to create a more friendly, safe, clean, and communal Los Angeles. Our team works daily to improve and build public spaces for everyone in town. We also advocate for better transportation through the county and have a mission to bring Angelenos together more than ever!
1. A Better place to be in
2. Sustainable ways of living
3. Connecting communities to the world!

Have feedback? Want to be part of our initiative? LA needs you! With just one click, you can learn more, share your comments, and even join us in starting our organization from the ground up!
Confluence Plaza
Our team recently took action to improve Confluence Plaza in Cypress Park at the trailhead of the Los Angeles River Bike Path. The city's neglect had resulted in the accumulation of trash, but we were determined to improve the plaza from the ground up. On May 20, 2023, we generously cleaned up the area, ultimately contributing to the overall enhancement of Cypress Park.